Blog puppy class
We are thrilled to be collaborating with Winkie Spiers and hosting puppy classes at Woofs To Kitty’s.
I can’t emphasise how helpful and important it is to find a great puppy class for your new puppy, it will get you on the right track from the start to have a happy harmonious relationship with your new dog.
We have many times had clients in the shop with 6-7 month old puppies who have behavioural issues, and are slightly desperate as how to deal with the issues.
And more often than not, haven’t done any classes, or worked with a behaviourist, but have learnt from different sources on the internet and apps, or random people in the park, or behaviourists with dubious methods, and little experience or training. I would also really question dog walkers telling you they can train your puppy, I’ve seen absolute horror shows.
Finding a good trainer, checking their qualifications and experience, is so, so important in making sure you and your puppy have a wholesome happy relationship.
These trainers blow my mind if they are well educated, with the depth of knowledge and the understanding of the bigger picture.
I would definitely use a trainer even if you have had dogs before, as the understanding of dogs is constantly evolving through science and research, and methods are constantly evolving.
It’s always interesting to watch the puppies having fun with other puppies whilst their guardians learn and ask questions, also learning from other people’s questions, and finding support and sometimes new friendships. Puppies often don’t see other dogs or puppies for a while once in their new home, so it’s great for them to have this time with other dogs their own age.
A big part of the learning is a deeper understanding of dogs, so you are working with them, not against them, which will help you to have a harmonious relationship with your dog.
My belief is that I want my dogs to be happy, not trained within an inch of their life, and be who they are, but some basics like recall, and stay and walking on the lead are there. And really the basis of that is trust and love, not aggressive training methods, or using equipment to force your dog into submission.
So research any trainer you use, and if they are telling you to do things you don’t feel comfortable with walk away.
A new puppy can be a joy, but incredibly frustrating too!